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4 回の偽装起訴と数百年の懲役刑の脅迫の後でも、私は決して使命を放棄しません。2024 年の選挙で我が国の運命がかかっているからです。 それは私だけの自由ではなく、あなたの自由でもあります。そして私は彼らにそれを決して奪わせません。
私たちの国をズタズタに引き裂いている非常に邪悪な人々のせいで、今、あなたの成績が芳しくないのであれば、戻るボタンを押して、普通に過ごしてください。 本気で言ってるんです!
しかし、そうでないとしても、今回の選挙のリスクはかつてないほど大きくなっていると言う必要はありません。 私たちの共和国は危機に瀕しており、アメリカは今あなたを必要としています。



Justice and the rule of law are officially DEAD in America.
A left-wing prosecutor – with such extreme anti-Trump bias that EVEN CNN questioned her legitimacy – has INDICTED me despite having committed NO CRIME.
This marks the FOURTH ACT of Election Interference on behalf of the Democrats in an attempt to keep the White House under Crooked Joe’s control and JAIL his single greatest opponent of the 2024 election.
Let me remind you that just days before I announced my 2024 presidential campaign, Crooked Joe declared on national TV that serious efforts would be taken to stop me from being able to “take power” again.
We’re watching those efforts unfold as Crooked Joe’s henchmen follow their boss’ orders by targeting me in baseless witch hunts in an attempt to JAIL ME FOR LIFE as an innocent man.
The left-wing prosecutor orchestrating this latest witch hunt for Crooked Joe was caught “intermix[ing] her political fortunes with this case.”
Her bias was so terrible that she had to be REMOVED from one part of the case because of a “political conflict of interest” of her own creation.
But it’s not just the prosecutor…
…The FOREPERSON of the GRAND JURY broke a veil of secrecy by going on a media tour with the Fake News, GIGGLING on TV about the idea of serving me with a subpoena and unjustly robbing me of my liberty.
She said it would be “awesome” to have the power to swear me in, and teased possible indictments as if it were a movie trailer.
Even the Fake News called her media circus show a “HORRIBLE IDEA” and a “prosecutor’s nightmare.”
Our once free Republic where citizens were presumed innocent until proven guilty is gone.
In its place is a Marxist Third World dictatorship led by an incompetent yet crooked tyrant who tries to place your fate in the hands of vengeful and corrupt prosecutors.
Communism has finally reached America’s shores.
But while these certainly are dark times for our country, I will NEVER give up on America.
The more I see these rogue prosecutors weaponize our legal system to criminalize dissent and imprison their political opponents, the stronger my resolve to save our country.
Because I know that if these illegal persecutions succeed, if they’re allowed to set fire to the law, then it will not end with me… They’ll come for YOU.
America is the greatest nation in history – and I WILL NEVER SURRENDER our country to these radical tyrants who seek to destroy it.
Even after 4 sham indictments and a threat of HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN PRISON, I will never abandon our mission, because the fate of our nation hangs in the balance in the 2024 election. It’s not just my freedom on the line, but yours as well – and I will NEVER let them take it from you.
If you are doing poorly right now due to the very sinister people who are ripping our country to shreds, then just hit the back button and go about your day. I seriously mean it!
But if not, I don’t have to tell you that the stakes of this election have never been greater. Our Republic is hanging by a thread, and America needs you right now.
Please make a contribution to show that you will NEVER SURRENDER our country to tyranny as the Deep State thugs try to JAIL me for life – for 1,500% impact.

Thank you,

Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United State





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